Our knowledgeable staff have all come out of education, health and social service sectors, giving them the inside scoop on the needs and challenges of Exess users.
Able to accommodate your client pathway by allowing for multiple services, provided under multiple contracts, delivered by multiple workers all with different start and end dates.
We are committed to a people first approach to service delivery. Exess is made to capture and report on real person data to create a holistic view of service delivery.
Exess has flexible and comprehensive built in reporting templates to accommodate your contract and outcome reporting as well as trend tracking to drive your business.
Our quick and easy platform for case noting and recording all relevant client data enables clinicians to have up-to-the-minute client information to improve crisis management and quality service delivery.
Exess stores your secure data safely on our secure servers. Enjoy the speed, security and reliability of a system that has been developed with your needs in mind.